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In theory I could make this a donate-if-you-want entry, but I won't paywall the model file, nor will I ever bother to stop you printing it out on your own 3D printers.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It's a lucrative design, and it is uploaded to itch.io so that you can use it in your skyboxes and maps. I plan on selling physical representations of this model as merch at some point and I ultimately aim for this model to be made into the same types of products as the original buildings. Importing it into your games like in the screenshots (Garry's Mod with Australium texture) from this fully-printable form is trivial to do. I since had to do many fixes to it, and it was a roller-coaster. I technically had created the joke in a different form (my version is Paris and London, while their version is Tokyo and San Francisco) before I knew of the film's existence aka I made the joke before they did in some case?.

The movie featured a San Francisco/ Tokyo hybrid city, with an Asian Gate/ Torii-inspired Golden Gate Bridge. I made this model on Decembefore the movie Big Hero 6 came out in my local "cheap theatre" (It plays movies just before their DVD release dates), and before I had seen it or a trailer for it. It is the "4-SIDE Eiffel Tower Bud Vase" by MakeALot on Thingiverse, as the body "The Monument", also by him, as part of Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower's roof, and his "Solid Big Ben" also by him as the clock face.īack in the day when I first made the model at 12yo (I'm presently 19), I wrote this on the olden Thingiverse page for it. I have merged 3 iconic European monuments into something that many would enjoy.