CATATAN !!! JIKA TERJADI ERROR SAAT MEMBUKA GAME-NYA. Setelah drive baru muncul, Open setup.exe dan install (cara instal hanya klik next dan pilih lokasi penyimpanan game-nya lalu klik next dan tinggal tunggu proses instalasi game). iso (instal aplikasi “Virtual Clone” dan “Open With” pada file game dan pilih “Virtual Clone Drive”). Untuk windows 7 perlu menggunakan aplikasi “ Virtual Clone” untuk membuka file. iso dan pilih “Open With” dan pilih “Windows Explorer”. iso di windows 10/11 – klik kanan pada file game yang berformat. Setalah di extract format file gamenya ISO, untuk membuka file. Setelah mempunyai file game-nya mulai dari part1-part4 berikutnya “Extract” file gamenya menggunakan WinRar (klik kanan dan Pilih Extract Here) Jika sudah instal WinRar tidak perlu instal lagi langusng di extract saja. Untuk windows 10 silahkan download “ Disable Difender” untuk menon-aktifkan windows defenfer. Sebelum instal pastikan menon-aktifkan antivirus yang terinstal di laptop/PC agar mencegah terjadi-nya “Corrupt” data saat instalasi game. The Evil Within: The Fighting Chance Pack (DLC)Ĭara Instal Game The Evil Within : 1.Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to unravel what’s behind this evil force. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a mysterious and powerful force. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.

Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive world that will bring you to the height of tension. Developed by Shinji Mikami - creator of the seminal Resident Evil series - and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror.