php file on your server that calls the phpinfo() function. If not using XAMPP, you can find the location of php.ini by browsing to a.In XAMPP, the default location for the php.ini file is “c:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini”.Open your php.ini file in a text editor.dll file and remember its file name the directory that you saved it in (I save it in “c:\xampp\php\ext”). On right side of page, click on one of the Windows modules that matches your PHP version.Make sure you have Apache+PHP installed (such as using the XAMPP package).Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed.With versions other than PDT R20080603 and XDebug 2.0.3, there may be subtle differences from what I wrote here, or things may not work. This guide was written and tested using the R20080603 – 1.0.3 PDT all in one package.

This guide shows how to setup eclipse+PDT+XDebug as your PHP Debugger. It also offers a full PDT IDE (for editing, “building”, and debugging your PHP projects), but I use eclipse+PDT+XDebug only as a debugger since I like to use my favorite editor for editing. The eclipse PDT + XDebug offers a PHP debugger that you can use for free. With a debugger you can set breakpoints, step through code, watch variables, do a stack trace, and much, much more. When I debug code, I find that a debugger is a very powerful tool.